Monday, August 04, 2008

Movie Critics

I don't think the boyz and I share the same taste in movies. I watched German director Tom Tykwer's latest film, "Perfume: the Story of a Murderer." This was Thompson's and Diego-san's reaction. Could they look any more bored?

I've enjoyed Tykwer's other films especially "Run Lola Run" and "The Princess and the Warrior." His movies are always interesting visually and storywise. He does have the tendency to be a bit bizarre and "Perfume" may be his weirdest film yet. It essentially asks the cinematic question, if you don't smell are you really alive? I had never thought to ask that question before but the movie does a good job capturing the sense of smell even though it's pretty hard to smell a movie.

Maybe because the boyz have a much keener smelling ability than mine they just thought the story was silly.


  1. The last explanation could be the right one. To a cat, nothing is scentless.

  2. My mum watched that movie, it was a bit strange. She thinks the book was better.

    I get the same look too - glazed over.

  3. I prefer watching cartoons!

  4. Yup,cats are all about smell!!
    Good sounds help too ;)
    maybe you showed the movie at nap time! heeheehee
    Purrs Mickey
