Saturday, August 02, 2008

Loyalty... To an Extent

One of the things that surprised me the other day when I brought Diego-san into the vet was Thompson's reaction to the whole event. He watched as I gathered Diego up and tried to calmly put him in his carrier. I thought Thompson might get a little agitated either figuring he was next since the two usually go to the vet together, or worried that I was doing something mean to his best buddy. Instead Thompson calmly watched with a look of "glad it's him and not me" in his eyes.


  1. Chuckle. You never know how they are going to react, really.

  2. I think Thompson could tell it was not his turn to go to the vet!

  3. We've never taken the cats separately to the vet before, I wonder how they would react. I bet they would be sad to see each other go into the carrier without the other.

  4. Thompson probably was glad it wasn't him. You are right, loyalty only goes so far when it comes to going to the vet!
