Thursday, July 03, 2008

Who's Hipper?

Two of my nieces told me that my sister in L.A. is cooler than I am because they discovered she has a Facebook page and I do not. I asked them what could be cooler than blogging about my cats everyday?


  1. Cat blogging is all the way cooler.

  2. I can't stand Facebook.

    Cat Blogging rules!
    Facebook droools!

    I came home last night to find a bunch of things that had once been on hangers, on the floor. "What happened here?" I ask Diamond. "Fall." she says. "You didn't help it fall?" "Fall," she says, stubornly denying she had anything to do with it. "Fall in bedroom. Summer in livingroom." Right.

  3. Oh please, Facebook...bleh! Kitty Blogging Rules!! You are cooler than her!

  4. You are far cooler!

  5. Yeah I have a myspace. But you are way cooler because you have 3 kitties and one only has 3 legs!!!

  6. Oh ya, you are absolutely right: Blogging about Cats is way cooler! I also don't have a Facebook page, nor I want one. Will we open a non-Facebook-user-but-Cat-Blogger Club?

  7. Yup, kitty blogging is WAY cooler (also, love your blog :))
    Have you seen strayer's blog at catwomanflix.blogspot? She's this amazing woman devoted to keeping down cat populations (which, as we cat lovers know, is the only real way to prevent unnecessary feline suffering :)).

    Wish you all the best. I wake up to my Angel kitty every morning too, and yes, its just the best way to wake up to the world.

  8. PS: I mention the catwomanflix.blogspot as, like your blog, it has great photos and narratives.

  9. Cat blogging rules!
