Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Trio on the Other Side of Town

My friend A- looked in on the boyz when I was in New York City. I returned the favor this weekend and looked in on her three cats. This is Marcel. He looks a lot like Theo except his eyes are closer together and lack the spaciness look of Theo's eyes.

This is Marabou. She's a lovely lady with a bit of a temperamental attitude. She's very sensitive about wisecracks about her figure.

And this is Bud. Bud was the happiest to see me. He's the only one who came and sat on my lap and purred away. Thanks Bud.


  1. That Bud's for you!

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Well, a cat usually has to really get to know someone before they just start showering you with laptime and purrs, so one out of three is a huge success!

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    LOL @ Daisy!!

  4. Leave it to the ladies to be stand

  5. I love Daisy's comment, too. That's an attractive trio and I'm glad that Bud welcomed you.
