Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prophetic Pillow

Many years ago when I lived in a small apartment with the late great Mr. Max, my sister gave me this pillow to help spruce up my place. I always liked the picture of the two cats but didn't think twice about the pillow for several years.

One evening early in my relationship with Thompson and Diego-san I took a close look at the pillow for the first time. There I was sitting in my living room with two relatively new roommates one black, just like on the pillow, and the other with a missing front leg, just like it looks like in the picture. Maybe my sister is a lot smarter or more psychic than I give her credit for...


  1. Wow, you had better look closely at that pillow for any other prophesies!

  2. Wow, there is really laying something prophetic in that pillow! I am speechless!

  3. Wow, that is really eerie! Did your sister give you any other prophetic gifts? You had better check.
