Thursday, May 08, 2008

House Meeting

To be fair, I conducted a house meeting with mandatory attendance before I left the boyz this morning. I announced my planned schedule and when I will and will not be around. All three boyz looked at me as if I had finally completely lost it, but that's OK. I get that look every now and again. I left out three meals worth of food before I left and asked Diego-san and Thompson to make sure Theo gets his fair share.


  1. Hehe, what a cool picture!

    Theo seems to be too polite to fight for his share! :)

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Home Alone? Hmm. That's sounds like an opportunity for mischief, boys!

  3. It's party time!

  4. Hope Theo gets his share. I'll come over and keep the boyz company!

  5. I am sure that your house meeting worked wonders. Now that you have outlined that you intend for Theo to have some of the food, I am sure that Diego San would not dream of stealing any from him!

    I love the picture.

    For the boyz's eyes only - when does the partay start?

  6. Isn't asking Diego-san to make sure that Theo gets his fair share of the food rather like asking the fox to guard the henhouse? I hope Theo gets enough to eat. I know that look. Cats are really good at it.

  7. House Party at Diego-San'
