Monday, May 19, 2008

Cleaning Frenzy

One of my all time favorite TV shows is The Simpsons. One of my favorite bits on the show is when Homer sees the latest infomercial and decides he absolutely has to have the product, that it will solve a problem he didn't even know existed. It's one of my favorite bits because I share Homer's affliction. As I'm channel surfing and I run across an infomercial undoubtedly there is a good chance my credit card will soon have a new charge.

This has been especially dangerous the past few months as I decided I'm not going to just give in on the war against cat hair. So I've purchased just about every miracle floor cleaning device that has appeared on my TV screen. The Swivel Sweeper works well but clogs up with the boyz fur pretty quickly. The Shark Sweeper is much more powerful than the Swivel Sweeper and actually works well on not only my rugs, but my upstairs carpet. The problem with the Shark Sweeper is it is too big to get underneath a couple of my couches and doesn't do well in corners. My latest purchase is the Shark Steamer. I tried it today on my kitchen floor and unfortunately it didn't seem to leave it as sparkly as seen on TV.


  1. Those things always look better on TV!

  2. Hehe, seems like you could work with the TV to recommend the best fur magnets :-)

  3. This blog is related to Swivel Sweeper that related to cleanliness at home the best way to clean the floor is swivel sweeper. In T.V. also some ads are related to floor cleaning and about swivel sweepers.
