Saturday, March 29, 2008

Better to See U

Last weekend I broke my glasses. The frame had gotten more and more bent over time and I tried to bend it back into a better shape. SNAP! I broke the frame in two. I was able to super glue the frame back into one piece but I was working with the huge disadvantage of poor eyesight and even poorer precision hand/eye skills. So I ended up with a little bit of super glue on the lens. For two days until I was able to get to the eye doctor, I had to live with a smeared glob of glue in the bottom of my line of sight.

I got my new pair of glasses Wednesday. I wore them home and I don't think the boyz noticed the difference. That doesn't surprise me because they have witnessed an even more startling change during the summer when I shave my normally full head of hair doing my best impersonation of Kojak.

Last night I was watching some TV with Theo sitting on my chest and I looked down and he was looking at me with an even more puzzled look than normal. I think he was trying to figure out what was different but I'm not sure he quite knew. With the extraordinary high cost of a new pair of glasses I was pleased someone noticed the change. Thank you Theo.


  1. Hahaha! I can't believe you wore your old glasses all superglued up! My Mommie has three pairs of glasses. Because, one of them, well, I chewed the earpiece all up. Now that pair is just for wearing at home.

  2. Glue on your glasses must have been terrible. Glad that you got new ones.

  3. Sounds like you needed to learn that repairamentre spell from Harry Potter. Not that I've every seen my Bean use it, but it always works on Harry's glasses.
