Monday, December 31, 2007


I asked the boyz to give me one resolution each by noon. Since none of them completed the assignment I decided to come up with a resolution for each boy to work on over the next year.

For Theo: Learn the line between playing and pestering.

For Diego-san: Learn that it isn't necessary to misbehave to get my attention (no more sofa scratching, TV wire tangling, kitchen sink dirty dish licking).

For Thompson: Learn that breaking the routine/schedule once in a while isn't going to mean the end of the world.

And to be fair... for David: Eat more waffles. (I've been on a Eggo kick the past few weeks.)


  1. Hmmm, those resolutions do not seem very fun. I think you should add a resolution for all the boyz to eat more Temptations. And play more games.

  2. Yeah, I'm guessing da boyz would have several resolution recommendations for David: more cat treats, more cat toys, more cat playtime...
