Friday, October 05, 2007

Furnace Guy

Every year I have a guy come out and look at my furnace to make sure it's ready for the upcoming winter. Yesterday was the annual visit.

The furnace guy was impressed with the new basement. He said that once I completely have it finished it's going to be a great space. I hope he's right.

Of course Diego-san watched the guy work, making sure the work being done met his feline standards, acting as if he has a degree in furnace maintenance. Then when I was talking with the furnace guy Diego rolled around on the ground between us- making himself, as he so often does, the center of attention.


  1. I believe Diego should be the center of attention at all times!

  2. Diego-San cracks me up! I think he thinks he is human.

    Did Thompson agree with who should be voted off of Survivor last night? My Mum and I were hoping it was Jean-Robert to go : (

  3. Thompson actually hopped out of the room prior to tribal council so I wasn't able to consult with him. I agree Jean Robert is a creep. But I must say he made a good case for voting Courtney out- given that her bones are sticking out of her skin she might not live if they leave her out there...
