Sunday, September 09, 2007

My Helper

I had about 25 boxes of stuff that I stored in my basement. With the work being done down there I had to move those boxes somewhere so I stacked them up along a wall in my kitchen. I haven't really gone through any of those boxes since I moved into my house around 11 years ago so obviously none of the contents are that vital.

Well I began going through some of the boxes today to get rid as much as I can so I don't have to haul them back downstairs when the basement is finished. So far I've gone through 11 boxes and was able to throw away three boxes worth of stuff. Mostly it's books, video tapes, magazines and paper- notes from things I've written, materials from past jobs, etc. Of course Diego-san has had to have his nose in each box as I open them up. He has assumed the role of supervisor for this process although truthfully his help is sort of more of a hindrence as I try to plow through this not-exactly-enjoyable project.

1 comment:

  1. I am always ready to help with any project involving boxes!
