Monday, May 14, 2007

High IQ

Diego-san continues to impress me as the smartest cat I've ever known. He seems keenly aware of everything going on around him and his curiosity is almost always satisfied by the knowledge he gains.

I swear he even understands every word I mutter, even when I'm yammering away about nothing in particular. The latest example? The morning race I conduct with the boyz where they are to wait for me at the top of the stairs as I'm getting ready in the morning. As soon as I start to head downstairs they too can head downstairs to be fed their breakfast. First one down gets lavish praise as the winner. If they leave before I start to head downstairs they are automatically disqualified.

I made these rules up along the way. Thompson always waits for me so in a way the game was tailored to honor his patience with me. Diego used to almost always wait for me too but there was a period he took off downstairs long before I was ready. So one morning I explained what he was doing wrong to be disqualified and almost every morning since he has played by the rules.

1 comment:

  1. Diego-San is quite the smarty pants! I'd swear sometimes that Kellie knows what I'm talking about, but I haven't really had any proof like you have had with Diego : )
