Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Good Try

Theo doesn't like it when he doesn't have access to me. In other words if I close a door behind me he sits outside the door mewing away.

The only door I always keep closed in my house is my office door- that's where I keep the stuff I don't want the boyz getting at- stuff they can break or stuff that is too valuable to tempt them with.

On the other side of the hallway from the office is a bathroom. Yesterday I was in the bathroom and I closed the door behind me. I could hear Theo in the hallway meowing away. When I finally opened the door I saw him sitting at the wrong door- the office door- apparently thinking I was in there.

He's the sweetest cat in the world but sometimes I'm not sure he came equipped with all the famous cat instincts.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny and adorable! Theo sensed you were hiding out behind a closed door, he just picked the wrong one : )
