Saturday, May 19, 2007


The refrigerator I used to have came with the house when I bought it. Given its bulk and style I wouldn't be surprised if it was the only refrigerator the house had ever seen. My house was built in 1951.

I moved into my house in 1996. Since that time I never once defrosted the freezer. I always figured it would be a messy chore to let all the ice melt. I also didn't want to tempt my roommate at the time, Mr. Max, with a flood of water to romp in. The freezer was so frosted there was about five inches of room to put anything.

So one of the things I am thoroughly enjoying about Diego's and my "new" refrigerator is that I now have room for an ice cube tray. I have been quite refreshed with having beverages with ice cubes. What a treat!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think that fridge must have been pretty old! Kellie likes ice cubes in her water dish - she chases them around licking them.
