Thursday, February 22, 2007

More Sitting

Now that my dog sitting duties are complete I am cat sitting my friend's A-'s cats for two days while she is away in Washington DC. These new duties are much simpler of course- all I'm required to do is go over and feed Marcel and Marabou and sit with them awhile. It also helps that A's house is ten minutes from mine so it isn't quite the hassle to get between my place and hers.

Marcel looks like Theo's brother. He's the same color and size. I even noticed when I fed Marcel last night that his meow is similar to Theo's. He also displayed a lot of energy bolting around A's living room as if I had unleashed him somehow. The major difference between Theo (pictured here) and Marcel (not pictured here) however is their eyes. Theo's are further apart and not as symmetrical as Marcel's. I think it gives Theo a more dopey look but A- has said she doesn't agree. It would be nice to get the two together sometime- I think they could get along just great but given all the other cats involved I don't think that's likely to happen.


  1. You should start renting yourself out as a pet sitter : ) I'm going to be away the beginning of June for 10 days - are you available : )

  2. I so enjoy reading about my former foster who is now your Theo. I'm glad that you enjoy him for what he is, just a very simple and occasionally surprising cat. My Drib!

  3. I'd love to meet Kellie alas that would be a bit of challenge of a commute... :-).

    And D-, it's always nice to hear from you. I sometimes think Theo/Drib thinks that our house is a temporary location until he returns back to your place. I do enjoy his ever sweet, trusting personality.
