Monday, January 22, 2007

Needy... Loving... and A Good Heat Source

Ever since my return from my trip to Washington DC- Diego-san has been a lot more needing of my attention. More than ever he has taken to sleeping right by my side (usually on my arm) underneath my covers.

He more and more is spending hours in this position- no doubt to take advantage of the warmth from my down comforter and from me. It's been really cold out most of the past two weeks so I'm sure with his above average intelligence Diego realizes that the best way to stay warm is either to lie in front of a heating vent or by my side.

I don't mind this at all since he is such a soft cuddly fellow. Despite some ongoing differences- Diego and I put things aside at the end of the day and take advantage of what the other has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Diego San always looks so noble in his pictures.
