Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Diego-san and I had a rough time last night. There is essentially one place in the house that is off limits to the boyz: behind the TV set in the living room. That's because there are a bunch of electrical wires there- from the TV, VCR, DVD player, and stereo. I don't want the boyz to get tangled up in the wires or worse yet electrocuted.

Diego knows this space is off limits because if he goes near there I chase him off. Last night he looked at me, went over to a spot near the TV, looked at me again and when I wasn't looking tried to go behind there. I immediately yelled at him in my loudest voice. This got his attention and he scampered away. A few minutes later I got up and saw he was sitting on the stairs. He looked at me sheepishly and when I made a move in his direction he ran away apparently thinking he was in big trouble.

I wasn't angry with him- I just wanted to let him know that the space is off limits and he shouldn't try and test me (like he does every now and again).

I later made it a point to hold him in my lap and lecture him- half wanting to comfort him and let him know I wasn't a madman- half giving him the reason he shouldn't go behind the TV- "it's dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt..." I know reasoning with a cat seems farfetched but Diego is awfully smart after all...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's so cute! I can just see you having a little heart to heart with Diego! Those teenage boyz are trouble : )
