Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Playful Evening

My dad bought the boyz some Christmas toys(z). I made a big production out of opening the wrapped present (although unlike previous years I didn't bother setting up the fiber optic Christmas tree I have). This got the boyz pretty riled up. And of course each was more interested in the wrapping paper and boxes than the actual gifts themselves.

Among the toys were a bubble gun- that blows catnip laced bubbles . This got Diego and Theo's attention although neither was brave enough to get close enough to the bubbles until after they landed on the floor and popped. Thompson stood far away during the process.

More successful was a remote control mouse whose eyes light up as it twirls around the floor. Theo in particular was fascinated by this- he let the mouse run inbetween his legs and occasionally would try to swat at it but usually after it had passed by seconds before. Due to his lack of timing ability I don't think Theo will be too successful catching a real mouse if the opportunity ever presents itself. Still when I finally shut the mouse down and put it on the living room coffee table Theo immediately went over to it to check it out- so it certainly got his attention.

1 comment:

  1. A bubble gun that shoots catnip bubbles! That sounds AMAZING! I've tried the regular bubbles with Kellie, like your boyz Kellie waited until they popped before she investigaged : )

    I can imagine Theo was in heaven with all this playtime!
