Sunday, December 17, 2006

Napping Habits

My favorite part of the week has become Sunday afternoons. I'll turn on the Vikings game- not that I'm a big football fan (although I've seen most of their games for the past 30 years) and end up taking a nap with both Thompson and Theo on my chest. Diego naps on the top of the sofa above us. It's nice spending time with the boyz even if all of us are asleep. Theo and Thompson are great nappers- they can lie there for hours upon hours. Diego on the other hand likes to move around so he'll nap in one spot for awhile and then he'll find another spot etc. He seldom takes a long nap on my chest or by my side.

Often Thompson and Theo will have a fight but moments later they'll both lie contently on my chest peaceful as can be, sound asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, there is nothing better than a nap with a cat - and three cats must be even better!
