Friday, December 08, 2006

It's That Time of the Year... Again

Every year I live in denial that it's the holiday season and there are things that need to get done- i.e. shopping. I usually try not to think about any of that until the very last moment which only makes the process that much more stressful.

Yesterday I finally made, and ordered the photo card that I've been sending out the past few years- featuring the boyz. Last year my friend A- got a great shot of the three boyz playing together (well more like Theo playing and Thompson and Diego-san watching him play). This year I settled for a more simple three different photos combined into one approach.

I always find it hardest to choose a good photo of Diego. Theo and Thompson seem to be really photogenic (especially Thompson)- so it's fairly easy for a hack photographer like myself to capture an essence of who they are in a photograph. I'm not so lucky with Diego. Usually my photos of him tend to end up looking like a great big black blob with bright red eyes.

I ordered the customized card online- so I won't know exactly how the final product will turn out until I receive it.

One thing to check off my holiday to do list...

1 comment:

  1. You will have to post a photo of your Christmas card. That's a really good idea, I think I might do a photo card next year.

    Mmmm, now if I can just get Kellie to wear the reindeer antlers I bought her and sit under the tree I would have the perfect photo.
