Friday, November 03, 2006

Theo's World

Theo has pretty admirable world view. He is as sweet as can be around people. He loves rubbing up against legs, mindlessly walking in between a standing person's two legs. He loves sitting on a person's lap or chest.

He loves playing- either chasing a ball or chasing after Thompson or Diego.

When it comes to meal time he's got a one track mind. If I make any movement toward the kitchen and it's around meal time no matter where he is in the house Theo will make a mad dash toward his dinner dish. He's a much slower eater than Thompson or Diego but this serves him well because if they leave any food in their dish, he'll finish it up for them after he's done with his own meal.

His life therefore is about affection, play, and looking forward to the next meal (which he cherishes).


  1. LOL. You could have been describing John's eating behaviors. Do you think growing up in D-'s foster care led to these similar characteristics?

  2. We'll have to ask D- what kind of production she does when she serves dinner to her cats. She must put on quite the show to get them so riled up. :-)
