Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Rare visitors to my house often complain about how cold it is in the winter. That's because I only heat the house to 60 degrees. This originally was a financial choice- not wanting to pay gazillion on my heating bills- but over the years I've just figured it's easy enough to throw on a sweater or climb under a blanket if I'm cold. The boyz of course aren't so lucky. Thus my heating philosophy probably has led to Theo's newest behavior. He has been climbing underneath the covers with me. He'll lie right next to me and he likes to stick his face right in my stomach.

I'm afraid if I fall asleep I'll roll over on him- he trusts me not to do so- but generally I think he gets too warm and eventually finds a spot on top of my comforter at my feet.

Another danger of being underneath my covers is that sometimes Thompson will hop up on the bed and I don't think he realizes where Theo is and he'll stand on top of him. This leads to a tiny yelp and some scrambling on both sides of the covers.

1 comment:

  1. Sixty Degrees! Brrrrr! I keep my house at 17.5 C (63.5 F) in the day and 23 C (73.4 F) in the evenings when I am home. Even then Kellie and I are usually bundled under a blanket in the evening while reading and watching T.V.

    Kellie loves to be under the blankets, lots of times when I leave for work I just make the bed around her, leaving this lump under the covers : )
