Friday, October 06, 2006

Rubber Band Boy

Diego has the remarkable ability to sniff out a rubber band no matter where it lies. I can hind a rubber band underneath a pile of papers and undoubtedly will eventually find it lying on the floor somewhere, chewed.

The other night I was lying in bed half awake and was bothered by my Lance Armstrong "Livestrong" bracelet. I remember taking it off and thinking I couldn't put it up on the desk next to my bed because it, being rubber, would tempt Diego.

A little while later I was trying to remember where I put it. I think I put it underneath my pillow but I was too tired to look. The next day at work I noticed I wasn't wearing the bracelet and then remembered taking it off the night before. Sure enough when I got home that evening, there it was lying on the living room floor, chewed.

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