Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Given certain superstitions and beliefs I don't think today would be the best day to be a black cat. Being of Japanese descent I think I can relate. I always feel sheepish for God knows why on December 7 (Pearl Harbor Day).

Halloween is always the day I'm afraid Diego or Theo will get loose and having black fur and out and about means it would be even more dangerous out there.

It's a day I don't especially enjoy since both of the boyz love to greet visitors that come to the door and given the activity of the night- that means both will get pretty riled up tonight.

1 comment:

  1. The boyz actually greet the trick-or-treaters? That's impressive! Kellie would either run off and hide or try to dart out the door. She really only greets people she knows.

    Sadly, I don't get any trick-or-treaters, only my niece.
