Sunday, October 22, 2006


I'm sure the boyz think that they live under a strict dictatorship. However this weekend I proved that this house really is a democracy.

There's been a long standing rule in the house that cats are not allowed on my kitchen table. This rule dates back to the original cat of the house, Max. I made this rule because it seemed unsanitary to let Max walk around the place where I eat my meals.

The rule has continued even though I rarely eat at the table anymore- preferring to eat in the living room so I can watch TV. Saturday I caught Diego on the table looking out the kitchen window. I scolded him but minutes later he was back up there. The view is similar to the bedroom window so there isn't anything unique about that window. But Diego seemed intent on looking at something so I let him be.

A little later Thompson was up in the same spot so by a vote of 2 to 1, I've decided to let the table rule lapse. Poor Max- he did live under a dictatorship all those years...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you live in a house with cats and you have a democracy! I live in a dictatorship - Kellie is my ruler.
