Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Comeback Kid

When Theo was brought to the cat shelter the story was that some kids had gotten too rough with him and had sat on him crushing his back legs. By the time I adopted him there wasn't much sign of this- he was walking fine albeit slightly gingerly.

The vet I brought him to last summer for his annual checkup was amazed at how well Theo was walking. The vet said when he first saw Theo he figured he'd never be able to use his back legs again.

I mention this because Theo has developed a remarkable jumping ability. This first came out when I got a laser pointer to play with and if I pointed it up far on the wall, Theo was the only one of the three boyz who still tried to get the dot- persistently and rapidly jumping up high on the wall. He wouldn't give up until I made the dot go away.

Last night Theo was chasing Diego up the stairs and when they got to the top and turned around the corner, Theo jump over Diego- like it was a steeple chase. And when he is startled Theo will often jump straight up- quite high- before reversing directions and dashing in the other direction. The boy is an impressive leaper.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor Theo! What a trooper though, he's lucky to have you and the other boyz : )
