Monday, September 18, 2006

Where Did Summer Go?

The days of open windows and fresh air are numbered. There's been a real bite in the air the past few days made even more cold by light drizzle. It may not be fall yet but the weather is pointing out that it soon will be.

The boyz have been extra peppy the past few weeks. Maybe it's due to something akin to spring fever (fall flu?) but all three have been running around the house as if they can see imaginery mice that are just out of my sight.

I can also tell the nightime cool air is having an impact on them as well since all three have now taken to sleeping in bed with me. That arrangement makes sleeping a little more difficult since there isn't a whole lot of room to roll around in bed. A less devoted cat person would probably kick the boyz out of bed but I just don't have the heart.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this picture of Thompson and Theo at the window - very cute! I've noticed that Kellie acts a little crazy when the weather turns cooler too, but then I'm also a little peppier now that the hot weather has subsided.
