Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If the Shoe Fits...

Some of the boyz obsession recently in getting fed has crossed the border into whining. And since I'm trying to fit in with the rest of the household, I think I'll contribute my share...

Here's been my routine the past month or so: I get up at 6 a.m. and am off to work by 7 a.m. If it's nice out, the most enjoyable part of my day is my scoot to and from work.

I get to work around 7:25 and then by the time my morning coffee has kicked in and I'm actually awake I look at the clock and it's around 10.

I've been getting out of work around 7 or 8 in the evening, just enough time to fix myself some dinner and go to bed. Rinse, lather, repeat.

The past three nights I've finally gotten a chance to watch the second season of Veronica Mars. I got the DVD around a month ago. The plan then was to watch an episode a night but I've been too tired to do that. But for three nights I've watched 3-4 episodes a night. It's quite good. I love the character of Logan Eckles.

The boyz must pay attention to the sound and light on the TV because they usually don't join me until I turn the TV off. Or maybe they just don't think Veronica is as good a show as Buffy was.

1 comment:

  1. Slow down.....lifes too short to rush through : )
