Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bridging the Gap

Ever since Theo's arrival Thompson doesn't devote on Diego-san nearly as often. It used to be Thompson took the time and responsiblity of cleaning Diego. In fact, I rarely ever saw Diego clean himself because he just got used to the idea that Thompson would do it for him.

Now, Thompson rarely if ever cleans Diego. He instead is giving that service to Theo. And because Diego has the most sensitive stomach of the three he is now urping up a lot of hairballs.

Thus I have to devise a plan to get Thompson to return to his Diego-san devoting duties. Not quite sure how to start on that plan...

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Thompson is so sweet! I guess he thinks since Theo is younger he has a duty to make sure he is propely groomed : ) Perhaps if you "spilled" some milk on Diego Thompson would clean him up a bit : )
