Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Time

I really need to find the time to play with Theo a little bit each day. He's got so much spunk and energy and is being so mischievous. He's driving the other two boyz batty- chasing them around, pouncing on them at the most unexpected times.

I'm sure it has to do somewhat with my long work hours and lengthy absences from the household. I'm also assuming since he's only two, that he'll outgrow all this eventually and one day become the calm cat that Diego and Thompson usually are.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I remember the "kitten" years! Kellie would race crazily around the house at all hours of the day and night. Now she only does it occasionally!

    It won't be long until Theo is lazing around like the other two boyz!
