Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Long Hours

I've been putting in a lot of long hours at work. My not being around has different affects on the three boyz.

I think it's hardest on Theo because he has so much energy and needs to play. I tend to come home and plop down on the couch. I think Theo may be chasing Thompson and Diego around during the day but it isn't enough (judging on the knocked over furniture and askew rugs). He still races me up the stairs and tries to jump up and run away when I walk by him.

Maybe I should adopt another young kitty to play with Theo. Maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. I love your boyz! They all have such personality. I haven't had a chance to comment this past while, but I always find time in the day to check in to see what's new : )

    As for getting Theo a kitten to play with....I have thought of doing the same thing for Kellie, then I worry she won't be as close to me, terribly selfish I know.
