Sunday, August 20, 2006

Easily Distracted

Kurbie is apparently OK.

His person, who also happens to be Thompson's favorite person in the world (she is the only one who when she is over he'll come hopping out to greet. Usually he stays in the hallway or runs away...) gave a presentation to our board last week. The presentation was televised and played on a local cable access channel so I had my Dad tape it.

I finally got around to watching the tape yesterday evening. Thompson was sitting underneath the living room coffee table. Diego-san was sitting on top. When Thompson's favorite person's voice began playing over the television speakers I watched him to see if he'd react. When he didn't I mentioned that his girlfriend was on TV.

Unfortunately he got a little distracted by Diego's tail which was hanging over the edge of the coffee table and swishing back in forth. Thompson couldn't ignore the distraction and soon was trying to grab Diego's tail in his mouth...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Kurbie is going to be okay.

    Men can be so fickle : ) Thompson couldn't even concentrate long enough to listen to his girlfriends speech : ) Very funny!
