Thursday, June 08, 2006

Show Cats

Last weekend there was a cat show at the State Fairgrounds about a mile from my house. I'm sure there's rules about what makes a cat qualified to be a show cat and win awards. (Are cats pure bred?) I'm sure none of my boyz meet the necessary standards.

Indeed in the case of Theo and Thompson, it's their imperfection that I think makes them dashing. Theo's eyes aren't centered so his face sorta has this lopsided quality to it. The white triangle that goes down from his chin to his chest also isn't perfectly symmetrical, but I think it only makes him a more interesting looking cat.

Thompson has this little brown mark right next to his nose. It gives his face more character- and his face is flowing with character. He has a random black spot on his back leg that is perfect in its imperfection, almost a reminder that he once had parents.

Diego-san with his long silky black fur and his penetrating eyes would probably be the most showy cat of the three. His long tail is very impressive as well. Everything about him is impressive and it's almost like he knows that. His walk is sorta a strut. Visitors are often impressed by his looks. He can be cute (like when he's playfully swatting a ball around a room), handsome (when he's sitting on my chest staring off in the distance), mysterious (when he is lost in thought looking out a window).

So the boyz may not be orchids in the hierarchy of money winning show cats, but at the very least they are the most beautiful of weeds. Or something.

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