Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Stephanie Jane Would've Luved This Boy

Of the three boyz, Thompson is the one that most enjoys sitting at an open window and observing the world outside. He spent the beginning of his life as an outdoor cat so I'm sure he misses all the adventures of life in the wild. Where Diego and Theo won't stay at a window for more than a few minutes, Thompson will sit there for hours.

His favorite window is the window of the bedroom on the main level of the house overlooking the back yard. That also happened to be the late great Mr. Max's favorite window to watch things from. There are no trees in the backyard, thus no squirrels but there are plenty of bunnies hopping around by the garden. The woman next door has a lot of wild flowers in her backyard so there are also plenty of birds to hear and see. There's also a good view of the alley so an occasional car or person will roll into sight every now and again.

I love it that when I come home and the back window is open a crack, I can see Thompson's little face trying to see (and smell) everything going on. I love it when I can hear his voice calling all the way across the yard and as I approach the window he'll start moving his head as if to confirm what he sees matches what he smells.

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