Monday, April 24, 2006

Let's Get Ready to RUMMMMBLE

Thompson and Diego-san share a nearly life long bond. They ended up together in the same foster home. Thompson rescued from the wild, Diego joining him as a kitten.

I think Diego was very helpful to Thompson after Thompson had to learn to get around again after his accident. Thompson watches Diego closely and there are places Diego goes, like on the rim of the sink to get a drink, or on top of the piano or ledge to the staircase- that Thompson wouldn't go for a long time until he figured out a way to safely get to what comes so naturally to the ever curious Diego-san.

The boyz often wrestle. The best wrestling manuever I've ever witnessed was the time they were staring each other down when suddenly Diego knocked Thompson's lone front leg out from under him. Thompson's defense is often to sit on his hind legs and raise his front paw high in the air eventually swatting Diego on the top of the head. RAP! Diego has picked up on this technique and the other night I saw him whapping Theo continuously on the noggin.

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