Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did'ja Hear the One?

I worked later than I expected to work so driving home I realized I was really glad that I had pulled some fish out of the freezer this morning and put it in the refrigerator to thaw. I was hoping it was completely thawed because it really doesn't taste so good when you have to defrost it in the microwave...

When I did get home I was doing my usual yammering to the boyz and I asked, "I wonder if my flounder is still frozen." The way it came out of my mouth sounded like a punchline to a dirty joke.

Oh the fun we have...


Karen Jo said...

It looks like you have the cats rolling on the floor with that one. I hope your flounder was completely thawed.

Parker said...

HaHaHa! It does sound funny!

Daisy said...

Once I said carp. But I did not get in trouble for saying that word.

meemsnyc said...

hahahahahhahahaha good one